A Party of the Many
13 May 2011, 23h00 EDT (GMT-4)

Young Liberals, Then and Now
Click photographs for Liberal Democracy projects
“A week is a lifetime in politics,” runs one of the oldest clichés in the field. Yet, in the week since the Liberal Party suffered its worst defeat in Canadian history, there appears to have been insufficient time for light, though there has been plenty of time for heat.
As long as I have been involved in the Liberal Party, it has been my conviction that for all its strengths, its one fundamental weakness has been an unhealthy obsession with the identity of its leader. This impulse has taken us from being a party of the many, towards being a party of the few.
It is a view that I have expressed during recent election coverage, some of which I have linked to below.
TVOntario’s The Agenda with Steve Paikin
» Democratic Disenchantment
The Montreal Gazette
» Liberal insiders say party needs reflection
The National Post
» Layton tasked with turning unseasoned caucus into Opposition
» Liberal post-mortem begins in wake of record defeat
Global News
» NDP Campaign Platform Analysis
If the Liberal Party is to recover from this setback, we will have to demonstrate the humility to recognise our errors, the courage to correct them, and the strength to draw wisdom from this electoral rebuke.
I hope that in the coming weeks, months, and years, Liberals across Canada will join hands to rebuild our party on a foundation of genuine mass participation.