Governance Working Group Presentation to WADA

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The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) created its Working Group on Governance Matters in November 2016, with a mandate “to ensure the independence of the anti-doping system from sports organizations and national governments”.

The Working Group is composed of representatives from governments, sport institutions, and national anti-doping organisations, as well as athletes and governance experts. It is chaired by Judge Gberdao Kam of the International Criminal Court, and is supported by two independent experts, Huw Roberts of Bird & Bird and myself.

We met three times throughout 2017. I delivered the presentation above, to report on the progress of our work, at the November 2017 Seoul meeting of WADA’s Foundation Board.

WADA Foundation Board meeting in Seoul

The Working Group members began their task by focussing on WADA’s overarching structure, such as the composition and functions of the Executive Committee. More recently, members have expressed an intention to refocus their efforts on the base level bodies and processes, such as the operation of the Standing Committees, with reforms funnelling upwards rather than downwards.

The Working Group will next meet in March 2018, and will continue its work accordingly. It will ultimately make its recommendations as a complete package to the Foundation Board, which will then render its decision on which measures it wishes to implement, which it wishes to study further, and which it wishes to set aside.


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